Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ahhhh - Tuscany

Our trip to Italy was everything we hoped it would be: beautiful, peaceful and enjoyable. Without really intending to, our entertainment gravitated towards Italian food and wine and tours thereof - it was delicious! We stayed on an olive farm and learned how premium olive oil is made, we toured a vineyard and sampled many types of Chianti that are made in the area, and we took a pizza class. Our location was so beautiful, and it was away from the flock of tourists. We did a lot of relaxing and enjoying the countryside (with the resident cat Bililo on our laps). We took a sunset hike one night and had spectacular views! The kids desperately wanted to visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa, so we did that too, and got to go up in it. You can really feel it lean as you climb the stairs.

Click on the photo below to see more pictures from our trip.

1 comment:

hannah said...

looks like you are having a great time! i love italy!