Monday, November 23, 2009

Saturday, November 14, 2009

First Lego League 1st place CHAMPIONS!

1st place CHAMPIONS today, which means that the team did well in all 4 qualifying areas. The judges were extremely impressed with their presentation and their amount of knowledge on the subject. They also commented on their teamwork, their "gracious professionalism" of sharing each others' ideas, their support of other teams and more. This is one well-rounded team! See a video.

Now, off to the Champion tournament in December!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Lego League

On Saturday November 14 Nathan will be participating with his team of 4th and 5th graders in the First Lego League regional competition. The theme this year is "Smart Moves" and the team had to come up with one solution to help movement in their community. His team chose "space" and came up with this presentation:

They will also be judged on their Lego robot and how it performs specified tasks.

He (and Dave, of course) are very excited. Wish them luck!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treaters

The Headless Horseman and Dorothy (with Toto) had a fun night of trick or treating with friends. The candy swapping afterwards was big fun, and necessary for Nathan since he how has an orthdontic expander on the top of his palate and can't have hard or chewy candy. It was kind of cruel and unusual punishment to put that in the week before Halloween. But, he took that (along with hardly being able to see in his costume!) like a trooper!

Happy Halloween!