Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hungary - the first few days

We made it! Impressions of Hungary in our first few days:
  • A fun flight on British Airways with "gifts" - socks, a sleeping mask, and a tiny toothbrush and toothpaste. The kids we so excited about all of their goodies!
  • A cozy apartment - plenty of room for the 4 of us.
  • Jet lag - the kids and I had a "party" last night at 2:00 a.m. and now they are still crashed out at 10:00 a.m. We'll get on this time zone eventually.
  • Lots of graffiti!
  • Tall, concrete buildings that remind me of their communist days.
  • The security guard at National Instruments blabbering to me in Hungarian to tell me that I couldn't go in. Thank goodness for an NI employee coming out to translate - we were only there to pick up the car. :)
  • Being totally overwhelmed in the Hungarian grocery store. We found some things to eat, but it's going to take some time to figure out how to cook here.
  • Nathan finding Kinder Eggs (chocolate eggs with a toy inside - Dave usually brings these home as a treat for the kids) at the corner store in less than 30 seconds. Here's a kid who knows how to find the good stuff!
  • Beautiful weather - warm but the evenings are incredible. The photo is of us enjoying "people watching" at the local beer garden.
  • Hungarians sternly staring at us - I'm sure we must stick out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I wish I was there too!!