Saturday, October 18, 2008

Welcome to our blog.

This blog is our attempt to get into the Web 2.0 world and make our photos easier to share than on our cumbersome-to-update website. Enjoy!

Here's a start with our recent fall activities: Flag Football and Cheerleading. The kids are both doing really well and having a good time.

1 comment:

Kerry said...

WOW... it's amazing how much Kate and Nathan have grown (which is what people tell me all the time about my kids). But until I sit and look at pics, I don't see it! They are both so cute! Nathan looks so tall and handsome! Kate is so beautiful!

You chose the same format as me at my blogsite: It's funny. I saw yours and thought I had gone to the wrong webpage! Welcome to the world of blogging. I love it!